

フォロー数:651 フォロワー数:2387

can we go back in time to where kaneki owned all of our hearts

147 765

friendly reminder

98 701

gowther is so pretty it hurts

12 68

khun has the same voice actor as accelerator which means we can expect him to have a psycho laugh

11 104

remember when karma was everyone's crush

272 1213

ok ladies another social experiment, is THIS guy handsome

22 294

ladies, is this guy handsome

8 177

she loves me, she loves me not..

8 74

levi tested positive for sexiest man ever to exist

423 1438

it's crazy how everyone's had their part to contribute in this final fight, from those who are dead to those who are alive, if it weren't for that specific someone then it would've been much different, everyone's role matters especially yushiro's & chachamaru's

192 753