marzen 🐣🩹wiwiさんのプロフィール画像

marzen 🐣🩹wiwiさんのイラストまとめ

EVERLASTING DANCE TRAX 🫧20s + im a sr. scientist in medicine🧑‍🔬🪲🎠👼 having fun online. 🔞 in some text. comm waitlist available

フォロー数:328 フォロワー数:15319
# ggst

picture of varre… / eldenring

83 261

O YEA this was originally a sketch that I kept drawing over until it looked like a finished pic lol

6 60

mohg using varre as his eyes so he can Read Books but he gets to make requests bc he’s the Lord of Blood

60 265

imo? Testament feels like a monhun player. And obv…. A rakna-kadaki superfan/

248 825

hi everybody I got tired of ppl arguing over artists not drawing varre old or masculine enough so I came up with an artists interpretation that will appeal to everybody. An anime girl w fat tits. ur welcome / eldenring

65 291

secret good night Illumi

96 534

sequel to miquella and his beloved novel series featuring talking horses with horse scout varre. maybe varre could get buddy points with him by also being kidnapped LOL / eldenring

57 236

secret late night Illumi

154 797

yura and varre. I was happy to know a character was out there who originally sees varre as deplorable and a nuisance this adds a lot of potential for insane old man dramatics/ elden ring

111 511

doodle of my jellyfish tarnished from first outfit to ending of game. no more holy order now it’s a time for hedonism :) (u should make a lord fit for ur tarnished too)

22 170