

Obscure cartoonist who lives far, far away. Author: Nuking Alaska, Notes of an Atomic Fugitive, coming in June & My Degeneration, a Journey Through Parkinsons.

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Jellyfish Jones tries to outrun his past, but not even his dreams can provide a haven from the Hell hound on his trail. Another page in the true story of an imaginary Alaska bar, "Nights at the Husky, here https://t.co/c21CRVIUdy

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Take a hike, Rolling Stones, John Fogarty, Neil Young and all the rest of you other Rock and Roll liberal phonies. I say Mr. President, if you want to use MY song at your rallies, go right ahead. (Sung to the tune of “Swamp Creatures)

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The very hairs on your head are all numbered. Luke 12:7

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Hey! Watch it with those bone spurs!

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Strict Constructionist

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My latest post for the Northwest Founation, In Praise of Fear "Of course fear uncontrolled can lead to disaster. But so can an excess of bravery. " https://t.co/sSFIugrDxY

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