

Obscure cartoonist who lives far, far away. Author: Nuking Alaska, Notes of an Atomic Fugitive, coming in June & My Degeneration, a Journey Through Parkinsons.

フォロー数:448 フォロワー数:759

Float like a lead pipe, sting like a puffin,
Boxing for Parkinson's is way better than nothin'
I explain it all here https://t.co/LhD1SWjmGW

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Ecclesiastical commentary

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Brand spankin' new PD Pundit comic only trying to help right here: https://t.co/EzXinuUllY

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Falls Witness, The PD Pundit has the lowdown on falling with https://t.co/LEpgX3qbBK

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The PD Pundit (He's only trying to help) Hot on the Trail of a
cure https://t.co/TmNSi3FKHs

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"The first day is the worst day" Why a diagnosis is so traumatic https://t.co/SRXdBphUT1

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