

An exploration and base building game by @roxflame, exploring the ethical and environmental consequences of exploiting a mysterious alien ecosystem.

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:680

an earlier build included this thing... Maybe and can be friends <3

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Looking forward to working on the reactive music with to get these aliens and plants dancing!

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I'm streaming a live interactive video broadcast on in about 30 mins about Dynacorp! Join in! https://t.co/OXkT0dTbTV

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time! If you like them, check out Dynacorp on kickstarter! https://t.co/nagg01AFBV

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"BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP" - "YOU ARE FEELING VERY GENEROUS" *sleep walks toward computer*

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Dynabot gives a goome a good bouncing. ALL NIGHT LONG.

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