Dyna Soar 🦕さんのプロフィール画像

Dyna Soar 🦕さんのイラストまとめ

Artist + New Anthropomorphic Syncretist. (they/them) support my work: ko-fi.com/dynasoar5

フォロー数:722 フォロワー数:10620

a sample of saurian paintings available as prints at my redbubble store! https://t.co/maIh5DJt4e

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some stuff of goth bird over the past year. i still have not picked a name for her.

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reposting this sketch painting of Lady Kluck here because I still like it.

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Hey everyone, it's me, Dyna Soar.
I'm an artist and illustrator. You can find my work here:
Format: https://t.co/yJ3W3CxlUE
IG: https://t.co/7HV7we3OSZ
Ello: https://t.co/BhBjhIC1zf
buy prints/shirts here: https://t.co/maIh5DJt4e
support me on ko-fi: https://t.co/sxfHLfTLZp

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