

beet/sar also good // 24 // art account :@beeteai // SEA muslim // goofing off here
pfp by @cadviar

フォロー数:790 フォロワー数:409

gonna post this tomorrow but im suprisingly happy w/ this asdflkaghgl

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also i never mentioned but this is a redraw i decided to do on hard mode we are figuring out things as we go along </3 do not mind me....

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google search how draw robot in ms paint

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forgot how fun it is to draw divebomb hes just a rude little birdbot...i wish he would come back

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i usually only post art to other acct (@/beeteai) now cause i use this acct for retweeting / talking but here some art i made this year i like n dont mind sharing ^__^

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screenshot of this environment study idk how i feel abt painting in CSP still tbh! i love it for sketching and lining things but i still prefer the painting tools in photoshop (at tleast the ones ive snagged lmao). if anyones got any fun painty brushes on this program lmk !!

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when pokok banyan comes out i want the ppl who spent hours n months making comic panel layout tutorials to hit me over the head

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gay nonbinary lagenda ahmad compilation because i do love him

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wip gay people part 2: why did they only bring one flashlight

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