moved to @eliyips!さんのプロフィール画像

moved to @eliyips!さんのイラストまとめ


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heard y'all were thirsty, so i brought some wine <3

MEET UTILITARIAN HEDONISM! (Realishift!UtSoc.) Prefers the nickname "Dionysus"

Grape Grej. Utilitarianism, but make it centered around worship of the wine god Dionysus. Trans man, He/Him. Certified sexy motherfucker.

20 58

"I do not conform to your human gender rolesss. I am not human. I am above mere humansss. I may dress however i please, and it shall not make me any less dangerousss"

9 42

a drawing of him just for you jrestie <3
(this was just going to be a quick sketch but i got carried away HSJKDFDKSHJ)

6 19

ask and ye shall receive. his name as charles.

2 10

been a while, here's another sprite sheet. lookit this fucking dude.

5 19

Doodles of a couple non-human ideologies from a drawpile the other night! Posaism and Cutcap <3

14 59

i draw fishnets the same way i draw chain mail.
take this as you will.

4 29

Charcoal Grej

Ingsoc but make it explicitly right wing. The Party now enforces traditional conservative values. Party mandated marriage. Hates MatSoc because they represent "degenerate art."

He/Him (We/Ours when referring to himself as The Party, not the individual)

5 30

SMMC (MilComm)
Army Green Grej

Communalism, but explicitly authoritarian, and enforced by the military. Every able bodied person is mandated to serve in the military at some point. They will infodump to you about guns.

They/Them, We/Ours

3 30