

3D artist, #NFT artist/collector.
Aspiring dev learning smart contracts 💻👾

Gamer, horror movie fan, music lover.
Artworks featured by ZBrush and Adobe

フォロー数:1454 フォロワー数:2760

2/2 Then I dragged my hair curve brush with a cursor so it snaps "around" the base and forms a curl, looks like this:

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And then there's me yoloing the wings through zbrush nanomesh 🤣🥲
Ok, in my defense - they were done in the concept this way, I wanted them to look closer to the concept 🤣

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Awww, thank you so much Indra ❤️🤗

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Check out this amazing artist , his pieces are so fun and cool! ❤️✨

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