

Freelance Illustrator 🎨| Powerlifter 💪 | Lorekeeper📔


フォロー数:948 フォロワー数:37022

Designed a baby brother for Sidon and Mipha for headcanon purposes. His name's Ralis (name taken from the Zora prince in Twilight Princess)! <:

28 122

Workin' on some Urbosa headcanon stuff so I gave her a new outfit and stuff. <: She's probably my favorite character from LoZ, i love her ;-;

27 94

Was asked to design the rest of the fairies from LoZ so here they are! We have Navi (the birb fairy) Tatl (bee lookin fairy), Tael (dragon-like fairy) and Ciela (mermaid-like fairy). Had a bunch of fun designing them! <:

38 137

I'm very surprised by the response my version of Navi got: thank ya'll so much! Here, have Navi giving kid Link a boop <:

47 146

I didn't find any actual designs for Navi other than her looking like a floating orb, so I ended up designing her myself for headcanon stuff. I thought she'd look cute as a hummingbird like fairy. <:

53 195

Wanted to draw somethin' cute so here's Link and Linkle as babs and Wolf Link as a puppy. <:

29 128

Drawing Mipha and Sidon for headcanon stuff. Also drew them both angry 'cuz I wanted to see how scary I could make them <:

65 232

I did a short comic/storyboard thingy for my LoZ headcanon stuff and this is my favorite panel from it. It's Midna! Er... redesigned, but still Midna! <:

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Cut my hair a little while ago for the first time. I'm still not used to the look though. >.>

4 39

Redesigned Saria from LoZ for headcanon exploration purposes. I made her into a dragon similar to the ones seen in Skyward Sword uwu

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