Erick 🦦さんのプロフィール画像

Erick 🦦さんのイラストまとめ

🏆2xWorld Champion🏆 🇻🇪 I flip nfts for a living. From 4 eth to 1,100+. no paid promos. Co-founder @The_OTCNetwork

フォロー数:957 フォロワー数:73840

New ape for the vault. This one is HEAT

0 234

Woke up on a monday and did a thing.

4 new Azukis. Big trade but I cant say no to azuki.

12 186

LFG NEW APE. One of those I just had to have.

My first pizza and the aesthetics are just too damn good

12 246

Portfolio update for transparency

Last week I posted I had 2 apes, 2 dogs, 10+ azukis, 1 punk etc

I now only own the 2 pictured. Cashed in during announcement hype on everything & staying liquid now.

Why keep these? Try to find gold kigu sellers under 200, hardest asset to get

3 166

Because Azuki is Azuki, Gold is Gold and their grails just hit different.

Been waiting a week to change it

10 231

Going into the 1 year anniversary with these 2 makes me feel great. Happy day :)

6 213

Used the ape dump to upgrade

Swapped my floor for this ape and added just 1.75 :)

0 87

Last night at 4 am we closed these 2 gold kigus for 235 eth total.

These golds are owned by myself and my close friend and business partner

He will be rocking one and ill be rocking the other.

Only 27 golds in all azuki and 9/10 are locked with dinga/grail

Huge W

75 394


Still cant believe I picked this up for 100 eth last night.

Double checked my wallet this morning to male sure 😂

Actually NFS for now im enjoying this lne

6 244