

A shrimp? ENG/JPN(Study) ART TAG: #tempoyoART ママ:@_pagye_ | i: @/softmio | h: @tokkipain
| Main: @notenoughchiizu

フォロー数:270 フォロワー数:509

I thought I would share some of my art not related to streaming! The last one is kinda old but I love doing traditional art as well!

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Heya Shrimps🍤hope you're all surviving this summer heat!
Sadly because of this heat I won't be able to stream this week and maybe next week. My area is currently trying to save electricity. Regardless I hope you all have a wonderful week. And remember to drink lots of water!

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This hairstyle is a little different for me, but if I ever grow my hair out I would like to try it

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I made an updated controller🧡 I cant wait for gaming

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I had the biggest sound jumpscare of my life on stream today ;7;;; it scared me so bad
worse than the crooked man jumpscares
why was this whole stream full of sound jumpscares HAHA

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Hello!! The announcement is a bit late but thank you for 100 followers on Twitch! Our colony of shrimp has come so far, I'm happy for your continued support! I hope we can make more fun memories together!🧡🧡🧡

4 25

Here's why I've been lacking in my art streams
I've been keeping it a secret for a while now 🤫Hope you look forward to my completion

2 22

I would love to knife -i mean take part in this :3

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This picrew is so cute I can imagine wearing a comfortable sweater when I'm not looking after the store.

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