Betsy Cole (#Published #Fantasy #Author)さんのプロフィール画像

Betsy Cole (#Published #Fantasy #Author)さんのイラストまとめ

#Author #Writer #Novelist #Folklorist #Anthropologist #Poet & #Storycrafter focused on #Folklore #Fairytale #AAT & #Mythology, #WritingCommunity #Agentready

フォロー数:4710 フォロワー数:3957

The Norse Freya rides on a chariot drawn by two strong Freya also has a boar Hildisvini (battle swine) which she rides when she's not using her cat-drawn chariot. She's also able to fly by using her cloak of feathers.

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16th century dining, included baking live birds in a pie as a form of entremet; hoping they would fly out singing. The famous points towards the close of monasteries by Henry VIII & ends with the maid's nose being stolen... like a demon stealing her soul?

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"Ring Around the Rosie" a rhyme amid great speculation. Originally children danced in a circle & curtsied to a center rose tree/child. It was later associated with the Great Plague, ie: Rosie rashes & posies to ward off the smell of disease...& we all fall down!

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A couple of my favorite fierce ladies were Anne Bonny & Mary Read. These dangerously bold & adventurous left behind the stereotypes of the 18th century & successfully joined the Golden Age of Piracy!

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The Banshee has diff. names & forms in Celtic lore; but this female keening spirit will omit a high-pitched lamenting cry when a family member dies or is near death. This ominous herald of death is often the first warning to the family, that a loved one is gone.

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In Greek Myth, Gaea (Gaia) is the personification of our world. She's the ancestral mother of all, Mother Earth. In the beginning, Gaea, Chaos & Eros were born out of the Cosmic Egg; which was created out of nothingness. Together they gave birth to all creation.

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In Norse Myth, Ymir is in the creation story & the first Frost Giant created from the icicles of Niflheim. His hermaphroditic body produced generations of Frost Giants. Because he opposed the rule of the Gods, his demise led to the creation of humans & Earth.

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Jack Frost, the winter spirit that leaves frosty fern-like patterns on windows & nips the extremities in cold weather. He leaves Frost wherever he goes & personifies crisp, cold, wintry weather. Similar to the Norse god(Kári)'s son, Jokul Frosti (frosty icicle).

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Ullr is the Norse hunting deity of everything snow; including snow-shoes and skiing. Ullr sometimes uses his shield to ski down the mountains, like a modern-day snowboard. There are still festivals held in his honor, to bring heavy powder to the mountain tops.

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