

kiwi - she/her - bi - 18 - jse - critter -that's about it?

フォロー数:389 フォロワー数:45

Ok so, I wanna thank for having a nice face. So I drew her.

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here have this stupid thot

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I have this pastel mermaid i drew once?

1 3

Hey if you're still bored this stinker is a thing.

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This is my stupid binch Blake

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I'm real late for the art flood but this is my bit. The prompts I chose were bloody and powerless.

0 10

I drew a dark version of myself? It's fine I guess. Also made a darker version of the dark version so you can see the glowy eyes.

0 5

Hi, hello, I'm not dead. I drew one softi because it's coming up to chrimburp.

0 6

hiya im kiwi, and this is my stinky gorl Blake

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