

業餘繪圖努力練習中 喜歡畫獸人(男性居多)、獸化(TF),希望大家喜歡
amateur draw,still training , like draw furry(Mostly male)、Transfur(TF),Hope everyone likes

フォロー数:346 フォロワー数:1690

獸化Transfur/wolf in estrus 發情狼
靈感來自Pixiv中喜歡的小說:從今天起叫我主人Call me Master!#6
根劇情有不同(獸化部分) 希望大家喜歡

6 31

獸化Transfur/月圓夜 Full moon night
滿月讓他生活從此改變 Full moon let hes life changed forever

commissions by Kolibrinski from FA

3 21

獸化Transfur/實驗室危機laboratory crisis
繼續練習畫Transfur系列 keep train more transfur
longtime no drew latex transfur hope you like.
Commission by Sparks123 from FA

5 21

獸化Transfur/Werewolf in Little Red
Big wolf take Red to hes "garden" and sharing hes favorite
跟隨破百了!感謝各位的支持 100+ follower thank you

4 17

繼續練習畫Transfur系列 keep train more transfur
"停下來...你會讓我們更嚴重stop that, You will make us worse"

4 14

繼續練習畫Transfur系列 keep train more transfur

5 17

雖然晚了點 新年快樂, 今年由三弟:小羅 向大家拜年
This time is new brother: Luo to say Happy chinese new year

1 4

救援隊來了!Rescue Team is coming !, 這位遇難者 你需要這桶白蘭地還是我這個特調[白]蘭地來暖身? Survivor, you need this cask Brandy or my [Special Drink] to Warm up?

3 11

獸化 Transfur / weredonkey in locker room
繼續練習畫Transfur系列 train draw more Transfur
Transfur in locker room 在更衣室獸化中
驢子及衣服的表現需要再多練習 donkey & clothes need more train

5 19