Tatlea Visper (Troll Vera) was a polite gentlewoman who posed no threat to anyone and kept up a peppy attitude on life, no matter how badly life shat on her.
she also happened to take an interest in technology. she was real good at it.
Opheus Chaedn (Troll Chad Jones) was a freelance troll furry artist who was basically being bankrolled by one single anonymous benefactor Who Definitely Wasnt The Suited Troll
he dived in n outta relationships with troll kat and troll brenda before settling down with troll vera
I was 14 years old when I got into Homed Stuck, but it wasn't til 11/11/11, when [S] Cascade broke newgrounds dot com, that babby evie was spurned to create herself some fantrolls for a story that she called "Erfbound"