

What would happen if everyone was completely equal? Official Twitter account for “=“ dystopian graphic novel by @libertoonian

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"You presume that diminishing or removing outliers from society can eradicate inequality.

It cannot"

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Touched up the backdrop this evening. I think this panel is finally ready to ship. graphic novel

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"They left us no choice but to take swift and decisive action to reign them in." -- Secretary Att

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to final panel with dialogue

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Starting to get the hang of Photoshop with a stylus on my new Surface pro. Got the top half of the comforter done in 1/5th the time it took me to do the bottom half. Still have to add the daughter.

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Here’s start to finish on the mother. Just need to add everything else.

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“I can’t get my mind to shut up mom.”

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I didn’t get too far on this year, but November is already looking promising. Here’s 3 panels of my graphic novel from the past two weeks.

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Working on some panels for a couple of pages with political speeches. Sometimes you have to spend as much time drawing scenery as you do on the characters. Hence a bunting backdrop and a podium from 2 angles.

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Going back through some completed panels and reducing the blue/adding more grey. I like this tone much better.

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