

icon by @Skelelli 💖
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Novice game developer…

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Dibujo rapido de Tainted Bethany

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Me gustaria quejarme de que la parte 1 B recibió tan pocas vistas cuando la parte 2 lleva solo 2 horas y ya lleva mas que ese video, pero siendo honesto, la parte 1B era mas que nada un chiste jcksjfks
Me alegra que la parte 2 si agarrara algo de atención ^^

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La revision se anda tardando, dibuje a mistel a prisa kgkdnnfs

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Every time i see a video of an elaborated 4th wall joke in a cartoon, i love to imagine Chowder being so proud of the new generations of cartoons keeping the tradition of joking about animation and breaking the laws of the series to show a bts of the cartoon

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>character is literally only reffered to with they/them pronouns (it's implied they are nb)
>people still find excuses to misgender them

>another character gets EXPLICITELY reffered as non binary
>"omg, this is so annyoning and cringe"
You can't never win with these fuckers ; ;

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I was tired af the last two days, so even thought i knew and retweeted art of the new JJK season poster anounce, it is just now that i woke up from a nap is that I fully realize "YOOOOO, SEASON TWO LET'S GOOOOOO"

I need to watch season 1 first xd

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Los diseños base de Amelia y Moe para ese comic que quiero proponerme ha hacer
Probablemente para el comic de verdad les simplifique más los detalles hasta que aprenda a dibujar comics de manera consistente

Me sigo sintiendo muy feliz de sus paletas de colores ^^

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Buenas ^^
Soy Alpaca, me gusta dibujar mas a mis propios OCs, pero ultimamente he estado haciendo más fanarts al parecer fgdfsgsd

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