

Doctor and freelance medical illustrator. Art elucidates. Art says it all.

フォロー数:305 フォロワー数:393

Communicating artery procedure with patients? Art elucidates & says it all: http://t.co/WXJr2lFidQ

3 11

How to explain patients the way develops? Art elucidates, Art says it all. http://t.co/aZmvPqEoWT

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Visual narrative of pioneering Mini-sling technique for treating urinary http://t.co/1mVYfCnkXT

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Botox injection for treatment option before Available @ http://t.co/QQhExHPrSa

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Dramatic rupture view. Art reflects emotions. Art brings clarity. Art says it all. http://t.co/uagVXeo2Oj

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Knee for repair. Visual narration with art. http://t.co/fpGUwOO1kQ

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Art elucidates closure tecnhique. A picture worth thousands of words. http://t.co/NmJgEgykP5

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Visual tools required for educating Botox patients: Art elucidates Facial musculature http://t.co/Xfsqs4m3UC

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Visual narrative on Chemoport or For patients, Art elucidates, Art works. http://t.co/1WrFvvy9wh

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An excellent visual depiction of Procidentia/Uterine prolapse for Patient education http://t.co/WpGmHmFWUY

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