

tormented freak, internet jester, archon of the bug girl agenda. Models are self-made.
💚 Fan tag is #JunipArt
[email protected]

フォロー数:2493 フォロワー数:226068

BRRRRRRRRRRRR (with sparks)

193 3020

stop calling me a "girlfailure" I'm a mechanism made of blood cables and titanium plating, they put me on the iron soaked battlefield and I am so full of hate that i cannot stop screaming and killing. i have one million arms and I will use all of them to hurt you

266 4260

look into my eyes while I break you, ok?

764 7995

me dragging you back to your basement and and custom name-printed dog bowl

173 3909

repent. repent. repent. i am your way into heaven.

1419 11837

🪓 girl lore for dummies and juniper oc art enthusiasts

377 4589