

genta | she・her | 言わないけどはじめての深いいとおしさは嵐 | #ARASHI ⛈️ | #生田斗真 🤳 #WESHIJUU 4️⃣0️⃣

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Aa.. sebenernya aku ga banyak referensi animenya 🤣 tapi mungkin ini yaa

ps: yang the promised neverland khusus season 1 doang tapi 🤣🤣

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ok akhirnya ketemu wkwk tapi aku baca komik pas jaman sekolah kak jadi inimah recehan shoujo aja 😂😂 kecuali asahina 😂😂

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nah ini dia beragam karakternya

Kasane: twisted ada judes2nya (sama Tao. Taonya pun keren bgt), filmnya dark

Bento Harrassment: anak rebel tapi ga ngapa2in si cuma sering debat aja sama maknya, film keluarga. warmmmm.

First Love: punya PTSD, flat, subtle emotion 🤌

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kok dia pede ya menyebarluaskan kebodohannya sendiri ke yt https://t.co/IGMq6S9NVD

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Ordered these cute fanart from the one and only machmtooo . Huhuhuhu so uwuuu 🥺🥺🥺 thank you enriii 🥺🥺🥺

ayok yang mau gambar-gambar uwu bisa dicoba~

nimo-aiba toma-nana https://t.co/NmuPARTgip

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Juntoshi x Tangled

Ohno as Rapunzel and Jun as Flynn Rider
bcs duh, i just want juntoshi to sing I See the Light! cutie jumping ohchan and DoS jun!! i can imagine how ohchan painting and do all his things in the tower and has a curiosity to see the world, especially the sea😆

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Aaaaaa more arashi x anime/manga please 😭😭😭❤️💙💜💚

/next nino!💛

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