

ごく稀にDonjin/NFT creator | Defi | #CryptoMaids | opensea.io/Eikura05 | web→ブロックチェーンエンジニア目指して勉強中

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:192

This is my 2nd NFT Giveaway! I'll airdrop this CryptoMaids for only one person.

To Enter
Dead line: 26th Nov 11:59PM JST.

i'll also sell this art at NFTfes2 on this Saturday! plz check❤️

90 97

This is my first NFT Giveaway! I'll airdrop this CryptoMaids Icon for only 5 people.

To Enter
Dead line: 3rd Nov 11:59PM JST.

I'm glad if you join this! Thank you.

146 135