

御沢 ✏️

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:2545

okumura as lycanroc
- generally cool and collected
- extremely loyal
- can get very intense/heated when it comes to battles
- becomes aggressive against those they consider threats

13 44

toujou as eevee
- can easily adapt given any situation
- gentle, friendly, and playful
- has so much potential
- determined and eager to grow

13 46

furuya as cubchoo
- tend to be more reserved
- can be sensitive and overly critical of themselves
- like to sleep and rest
- prefer the cold weather (they are polar bears)

14 53

eijun as yamper
- electric and energetic!
- very friendly and outgoing
- can be defensive and bashful
- get jealous/possessive easily

22 67

literally my favorite family unit

89 232

miyuki’s love language

139 316

i saw pokemon!eijun fa so i would like to propose yamper eijun

8 24

i can’t believe this happened in canon

95 279