

Motion Graphic Designer | Metalhead | EN/CN/日本語の勉強中~
Art insta: @eisa.seraph

フォロー数:5218 フォロワー数:390

Guys! I drew some stickers! And they will be sold at the up coming Animangaki 2022! At my Friends' Booth, D27!

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The feeling of "can see but cnnt touch" is sad

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Never got so hooked on a Manga before and I binged it all in 3 days, it had a satisfying bittersweet ending. Now I'm left feeling empty and kinda missing the feeling of falling in love. 8.5/10 from me. I recommend it. Tho it's ecchi

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Doodle! Discovered this cute Vtuber the other day :D
落書き!先日、このかわいいVtuberを見つけて! :D

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