

48, male, Russian.

フォロー数:579 フォロワー数:2345

Let me guess: you are staring at the screen right now, are you?

24 132

There's a question that bothers me. If I want to draw someone's OC, should I always ask for a permission first? If it's a birthday present, it would ruin the surprise. Or is it generally OK just to post the picture saying "Hey [username], here's a drawing of your character"?

22 210

I think I should eat less and excercise more.

20 141

I often see people making simple bouncing animations, and I decided to try and make my own one.

23 149

A well-known haute cuisine recipe known as "biche farcie aux fraises".

33 172

It was especially upsetting when they introduced the new design and switched to this crop from the square format they used previously. Before that, I posted most of the pictures in the square format, and after that change, the pictures suddenly lost their feet or heads or both!

9 58