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フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:4295

Y u S() ST1NKY???

1 2

Y()u KN()W WH4T??? FuCK 1T 1NV4D3R Z1M 4RT

1 2

dirk in his fav outfit

2 0

1.......1 L1K3 H1M 4 L()T

0 1

P()V Y()u 4ND Y()uR BFF 4R3 G()1NG ()uT 4ND Y()u 4R3 PR3S3NT1NG 4S 4 W()M3N F()R TH3 F1RST T1M3 4ND 4LS() Y()u 4R3NT 4 L1TTL3 B1TCH

0 1

Didn't see much Asian human nepeta so here's her on here way to a party!!!!!

0 0

/ troll boob, semi nudity
vris rezi morning time

1 6

/ excessive amount of boob, nudity , death talk

i envy you. one day you will rot and that would be it. its a shame to live forever, seeing the world rot around you, envying the moss that grows from ribcages of deer.

0 0