

Currently Directing Crybaby,
Junior Layout Artist for Dave Spud Series 3 🥔
and made The Goat that won an award.

フォロー数:751 フォロワー数:264

Thanks for tuning in! Needed some fun after a long few months animating etc. Now I must sleep, for event in the bay! Night all!

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new profile pic because my hair is much shorter. And I need to be attractive to employers, yeeet

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I'm actually on schedule with my work, I can finally stream again! Come join for some splats!

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This instantly came to my mind

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We can either agree or disagree about the new Thundercats show and it's choice of style, but WHY IS NO ONE MENTIONING THIS ABOMINATION OF PROPORTIONS?! Who gave this the okay?! It looks like he has a thumb on the wrong end of his hand...

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I had real trouble picking, but these films are the kind that I'll never get tired of watching.

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This has been overdue. Tagged by because... I really don't know why. Go do it yourself if you want people to question your anime tastes....

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Yes, I can draw. Yes, it's Christmas. Yes, it's an inkling of myself.

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Seeing tweets about the demo of Sonic Forces not going well got me like

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