

@arabiansteak 's artblog for doodles, more intricate doodles and ocassional cosplay stuff.
Parttime artist, fulltime nerd.

フォロー数:396 フォロワー数:188

I love dress-up games so I'm indulging myself by just making dress-up dolls out of FFXIV characters. Prince Adelphel from 's and my royalAU in this case.
For now I slapped a rough design from FFXI's wedding outfit on him. (I want this in FFXIV pls and thx)

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Worked on it some more. Surprisingly, drawing weird shapes was a lot harder than drawing a human body.

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There's still a reference missing from the set: older (~40 years old) Athral.
Here's the base. He loses control over his Inner Beast more and more as he grows older, and the beast changes his body a little bit everytime he goes berserk - hence the digitigrade feet + claws.

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And here we have Athral's (for now) final and current outfit.

With every xpac so far, there's always been one particular set of gear that's blown me away and for Shadowbringers it was the Warg gear.

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Reupload because I wasn't happy with some of the colors (specifically the boots), so I made adjustments. Much better now, if you ask me.

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And outfit Those thousand layers are really paying off now. This is Athral's more casual outfit that he's started wearing in Stormblood.

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Completely touched up~
Now to make the other outfits!

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I'm on a roll today! I even gave him his makeup. All that's needed now are a few tweaks in the different layers and the first outfit reference is done!
Man at this point I really finally want to do a full proper reference sheet for Athral...

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Still working with my new tablet. Slooowly learning the program. It's exhausting but hey, I'm finally doing stuff aside from sitting around and watching YouTube all day.
water starter design for a region based on Germany. Pfennickle --> Groschurm --> Talermandra

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I keep coming back to this for little additions - and to try out more stuff. This time I found out how to color lineart. And how to add texture. Man, so many options...

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