

artist | graphic design & traditional illustration | here to retweet friends' art and be toxic towards gamedev studios

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:233

didn't forget about him, though. never will

3 37

shot through the heart
of a random nilfgaardian

3 17

i drew the gwent community

0 22

5 decks i memed bc if i'm making a career, it's in shitposting:

new ST traps
whatever has she who knows in it
harmony in general (pictured: current state of my deckbuilder)
elder bears (one day i'll bully into making that cover)
yoink 7

drift now you have to do this https://t.co/9GWf6mJ17m

0 10

in between world cup graphics

0 15

...and i love messing around in illustrator. a lot of the results can be found at , and nowadays i also make emotes:

0 5

hi i'm Elis, i studied graphic design in high school. i'm somewhat decent at drawing:

4 20

took you a while, twitch

0 11