

owls IG : elliotma_101 || banner by @skyandkai

フォロー数:368 フォロワー数:92


I don't usually do fantasy illustrations, but I think there are some moods and feelings you can only convey through such work. I still can't help but try to rationalize stuff in the illustrations though.

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Apparently lots of artists don't like painting backgrounds. I actually do though! Its mainly cause some of my biggest inspirations are Shinkai and Ghibli movies, where the backgrounds just make everything so much better.
Anyway here are some of my recent background works.

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A friend showed me a picture of cherry blossoms blooming nearby, and that made me really want to draw cherry blossoms again.
Also, I'm trying to play around with overlay layers to create a sense of mood/colour.

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25 Analog/Traditional Artworks


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25 Analog/Traditional Artworks


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25 Analog/Traditional Artworks

Earlier in the year, I made a resolution to make 25 traditional art pieces, and I've finished them all! The 25th one is a private gift for a friend, so I won't show that one, but here are the other 24! (1/6)

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I now have enough watercolour illustrations to fill up an entire twitter post! I think my favourite is the last one, but that might just be cause its the most recent one.

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Watercolour illustrations.

I kinda wanna do 1 or 2 more of these.

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On the Hill


First watercolour painting without a blue sky. I think I did fairly well for the first time, but I'd definitely do things differently next time

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I think this is how I'm suppsoed to do it?

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