;nio🍊|| stay safe!さんのプロフィール画像

;nio🍊|| stay safe!さんのイラストまとめ

⚡️ artist, mother, father, scholar, drummer, yodeler, genius, uncle, tree, egg yolk, and scientist ー 🍎 NO REPOSTS 🌎

フォロー数:467 フォロワー数:19375

heyyy I’ve drawn you a bunch the past two years and you’ve liked near 100 pieces of my art, and since you’ve been following back a few artists i figured, hey, if u want to see more of my art you could follow me back too 🧍🏽 https://t.co/VYoW3j4isK

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the pipeline between these two will always make me happy ( feb 2022 -> june 2022 )

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fr tho making shitty doodles of my sona made me happier than i thought it would just look at this absolute stud

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👹🔊💥CHOO 🧱🧱
some stuff i haven’t posted and an old wip that i cropped a lot because it’s not done and some doodles and some art hee hee

stares at u https://t.co/lb9Gp3HQ2n

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throws my socials at you ( elohour on tiktok, insta, n tumblr )

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