

MOD for @DriftersEXE / CM for @madioladio

フォロー数:1402 フォロワー数:1270

Was glad I had whitelist! had some struggles but are getting it all back on track. Starting with this great new character they brought to life!!! Was lucky to get 1 legendary! go tomorrow with the public mint! Just 250 to mint total!

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Tonight we had a great 3 v 3 between and .

Thanks for putting in the effort. Mafia & Cowcow thanks for putting it up! Love the Mafia NFT I received!
Really enjoyed it!

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My journey started with the art I saw on Twitter. With just a few EGLD in my wallet, I was sure to get in on . With just a little EGLD i could get 3 innovators. Was happy that was kind enough to accept 380.000LKMEX for 1 because i did not have more....

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