

I moved on Bluesky (check pinned)
ブルースカイに引っ越してきました (固定された投稿を確認する)

フォロー数:487 フォロワー数:568

PN: Lilynee

Merry Christmas!! I'm looking forward to discover what you plan for us next year✨️And I can't wait to see the new zodiac!

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2012 vs 2022

Pretty embarrassing to post what it was a literal kid drawing lol but at least i can say I got better 🙏
(Altho I never been too constant, after 2012 I stopped drawing until 2017 and started drawing a bit more seriously after that )

0 4

Short hair Servants sketches Project (2/10)
Meltlilith (Lambdaryllis)/メルトリリス (ラムダリリス)

A bit late, but here short haired Melt as second sketch for the project! Went for her summer version since summer rerun is coming in a few months🐧

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