

I draw...wow//gonna make this an art/sketch dump acc//🌻// have fun/ 🚫DO NOT REPOST thx🚫

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I really love your art and desings in gegeneraland I hope you day is nice

(posting it here as well...im so pissed on instagram for messing up one job it had...)

4 10

So...I made sticker designs. I will try my best to make sure they are for sale in near future. (That middle one was meant as a joke but people liked it..lol)

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To tell the truth...Prodigal son i scaring me in whole different way than it should. I still love it tho and I need to draw Malcolm next🌟.

1 14

Oh boi here we go....🔥
•I really wanted to draw the body swap scene and it turned like this...damn
•my sister noticed that whenever I sit down to my desk and draw a big a$$ project, I try new things(shading, brushes, colors, etc)

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