

I'm also palidoozy-art. Concept artist on TS4, working at Maxis. I draw mostly CoS homebrew stuff. Also, nothing I say reflects what my employer thinks.

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:3493

D&D scenes from last session, or "wow I can't believe it's not a speedpaint!"

Rahadin got yelled at, and then he, Percy, and Nelke went on a "stealth" mission where they not only never used stealth, they broke a door down and threw an art piece worth 500 platinum down some steps

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i will award myself one (1) self indulgent bullshit picture this week. as a treat.

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For Valentine's Day, I drew gift art for all my players of their (main) PCs with their love interests.

Happy V-Day!

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I guess to kind of add to it, because I haven't done enough of these to make another collection: these are some of the other modron they've run into. Their designs are more 5e based, except the pentadrone. the duodrone haunts me.

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one of the things my players and I discussed is if rahadin's disguise was just his RAW appearance. so i drew it.

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more iterations on the last king design

plus a bonus when he was not a weird cannibal deer monster and instead an actual king

1 7

party met a lady who blew her own head off, but I wanted at least one kind of nice picture of her at least.

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a random NPC lizardfolk portrait, and then one of the PCs got sunglasses so he can finally be out in the sun

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