Emily Riesbeck, Professional Monsterさんのプロフィール画像

Emily Riesbeck, Professional Monsterさんのイラストまとめ

they/them. Author: It's Your Funeral, Mountain, The Pirate and the Porcelain Girl (2023). Repped by @draper_claire. Avatar: @BMPrager; Banner: @neonjawbone.

フォロー数:1353 フォロワー数:1943

little more complicated for me being trans but, yeah.

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thought about using this as my cover image but that's Too Much Xel.

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Well, that about covers it! We hope you enjoy your employment at the Department of Spectral Affairs!

And remember, you can check out It's Your Funeral from , your local library, or WHEREVER books are sold!

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Finally, there's Carol, our office admin. I'm sure you saw them on your way in! This hopeless romantic is a maverick at all things organization! They might seem a bit... odd at first, but once you get to know them, you'll be best of friends, I'm sure!

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I see you'd like to know more about your new boss! Well, that'd be C'tharla. Sure, she's a little intimidating. Maybe even terrifying. But she's our faithful leader, and a TOTAL softie on the inside! Oh Captain My Captain! Hah...

...don't tell her I said that, please.

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Next up are the dynamic duo, V'qttyr and D'vrrah! These two are TOTALLY in sync, they work great as a pair! Well, that is, when Dev can get her mind off of lunch and Vic stops panicking about germs, that is.

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Surprising nobody, X'lakthul offered to go first. This overeager case worker has enthusiasm and confidence bursting out of every seam! She can be a bit much at times, but if you have a problem, she'll work night and day to see it solved!

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Congratulations on your new position at the Department of Spectral Affairs! I know you're just as eager as the rest of us to dive right into the red tape and start helping the restless spirits of earth pass on, but let's take a moment to get to know your new co-workers first!

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Yesterday was kind of a whirlwind, but yes, It's Your Funeral is finally here! If you like sitcoms like The Good Place or wish Parks and Rec had a little more weirdness, you're going to love It's Your Funeral!

Buy it now from or your local bookstore!

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I made this almost three years ago, when we were just getting pitch pages ready for It's Your Funeral, and now it's here!

Xel is such a sweetheart and i'm so glad that we get to share her with the world.

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