

He/Him. I draw random stuff on occasion. I mainly write fanfic and play TTRPGs.

フォロー数:2265 フォロワー数:1031

Heyo! I'm Psycho and thanks for the awesome art share!

4 9

Starting off, my name is Psycho and it's so very awesome to meet you! I'm a digital artist and I love to make wacky characters, whether original or fandom based. I spend a lot of time here on Twitter and I enjoy seeing art of all types. Looking forward to interacting with ya!

3 14

Hey there, my Mecha bro! The only goals I have right now is to recover from this damn Bronchitis!!!

1 10

Is this what you want, internet?! Is it?!!! Wooloo Chi no Sadame!!!

2 13

Heyo! Just wanted to say thanks for 8⃣0⃣0⃣followers! It's weird knowing that so many people like my crazy and random characters. You guys are seriously the best!

0 17

I'm Psycho and it's nice to meet you! I'm a digital artist who likes to make random/fun characters and write about them. Usually in fanfiction form. Hope you like my work! My current goal as an artist is to stay focused. I have a hard time staying on one character for long.

2 15

Hope I'm not too late! Just stumbled upon your work and I like everything I see!

0 4

Hi! I'm Psycho and I could literally eat caramel ice cream all day.

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