

or just Cyano | nsfw | ☆*:・゚✧ ฅ( ˙ ꒳ ˙ ฅ)

フォロー数:608 フォロワー数:70

some progress on this fashion disaster sona, i'll hopefully get it cleaned up tomorrow

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finally finished Pokemon Trainer Yolanda! He's a flying-type specialist with Unfezant as his ace

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Now and then, as I feel I’m about to give up (Now and then, as I feel I’m about to give up)

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also we continue the apology to yolanda whose only progress was painting over minor stuff

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"butterfly wings"
"with rainbows"
"also twilight sparkles"
i cant draw hroses plea sae child

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Mister Nintendo please... the hq gym leader art I’m suffering

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ok im done with this shitpost im sorry mr piers pokemon

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i feel like bc of this one day im gonna get accussed of like tracing when nah im just... weird

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