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フォロー数:244 フォロワー数:2323049

A multi-skin toned handshake emoji is coming in 2022 https://t.co/UUnkAlI5Jd

735 6753

‘Among Us’ is coming to Xbox in 2021 https://t.co/gbo2FYv6rm

70 641

Amazon's new eco-friendly boxes can be turned into forts and cat condos https://t.co/YnzsSCNhUI

16 43

'Night in the Woods' studio cuts ties with co-founder Alec Holowka https://t.co/sI5f3cYApg

9 19

Developers put game on Pirate Bay to help cash-strapped players https://t.co/3qNu1ppmtI

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The next great indie game is about the dragon apocalypse https://t.co/LqOX02AOHm

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GDC will host its own video game art gallery next year https://t.co/DZOwJPZE18

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Adult Swim streams 'Space Ghost' episodes for free https://t.co/qbzXkcB2W1

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Don't believe the 'Pokémon Go' privacy hype https://t.co/5vNwNmzbf3 by

45 38

Help Leo win an Oscar in 'Red Carpet Rampage' https://t.co/PxYA8xQjBE

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