Touhou Wiki Botさんのプロフィール画像

Touhou Wiki Botさんのイラストまとめ

Random quotes from the English Touhou wiki every hour.

Always remember that the wiki is rife with inaccuracies. Read the official works, texts and profiles.

フォロー数:2 フォロワー数:4619 Reisen's different color palettes from Antinomy of Common Flowers and Urban Legend in Limbo PS4, the last two were added in Antinomy of Common Flowers v1.10

2 18 Cirno's colors from Touhou Hisoutensoku

25 177 Kokoro's different color palettes from AoCF, ULiL, and HM, the last two were added in AoCF v1.10

12 70

Lime Chiffon is a bubbly, airy ballerina whose every action is filled with elegance and grace. She has successfully evaded death for every attempt God has made to smite her and has no plans of giving up anytime soon.

14 13