

A self-deprecating V-Tuber fan who "expertly" masks the depression with cynicism/sarcasm. Can't/won't stop drawing Kiara's bare legs (and Reine too sometimes).

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:3015

Drew a vampire Kiara, complete with a goth variant to get in the proper "spoopy" mood for October.

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Working on some vampire Kiara art for the start of October.

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Drew Kiara as a belly dancer cause like Ina said: "Those hips don't lie".

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Drew Kiwawa in a school uniform cause why not.

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Working on more Kiara woo...

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I really like Pochi's new model, so I decided to take a shot at drawing her.

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Have to say, I think I'm digging Pochi's new model.

4 34

You know, if you remove just a "couple" of items of clothing from Reine's latest outfit, you can convert it pretty easily into a decent swimsuit design...

19 137

Drew Kiara in her 3D idol costume.
Would've drawn this sooner but I've been sick these past couple of days and working on Kiara's anniversary pic the entirety of her 12 hour stream MIGHT have contributed. But who needs pacing themselves am I right?

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