SavingPrivateEpa 🍉さんのプロフィール画像

SavingPrivateEpa 🍉さんのイラストまとめ

bonafide nutjob that loves transformers, currently making a comic series. oh yeah I mostly Draw, and I also do Voice acting. #1 Krok Enjoyer.

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:155


one of the more prominent creatures for my upcoming comic series Love N’ War, heavily inspired by Deviljho from Monster Hunter and The Hypo Rex from the Isle.

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Drew and Updated my Persona Character or whatever it’s called, yeah it’s basically Krok from MTMTE wearing an 80’s brown coat/robe with Team Fortress 2 aspects around him but that’s because I love all 3 lol

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Older Wendy Artwork I decided to drop here 🤙

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