

blm ! any pronouns 👾 18 - insta @epcarts -

フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:223

self 😎 taught 😎 but i will be in art schools hopefully tho for the coming years T-T i feel like my art isn’t very artistic (?) yet so i hope to work on that :))

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hi !! i’m also looking for art moots 🥺🥺 here’s some of my art <3

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hi !!! i’m elise 👾👾👾👾 here’s some of my art ❤️❤️ the last one is luna lovegood but the others r some ocs <33

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i got art!!! 💜💜💜💜

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congrats !!! i’m elise , i don’t do much fanart haha i always feels so out of place in these threads 😳 i am trying to make my art look more unique :>

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like the first one is wet and the one i did recently is dry.. maybe it’s cos of the colours? the thicker lines ... it’s got more movement too i guess?

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here u go take it , idk how muscles work so u thought i’d try

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we had to draw our friends as furries and i hate that i feel like i did this well. shall i become a furry artist

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i’m elise !! i don’t really have a goal atm ... making art makes me happy so that’s why i do it hahah here are some faves :>

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i’m elise !!! these r some recents !!! i notice i use purple a bit much lol 👾👾

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