

artist??? maybe. white, and tired
❤️ @potatosweats ❤️

フォロー数:643 フォロワー数:3002

ill go ahead n add peri too

15 53

im a lil late but for these 2 goons

22 163

qrt with some of your best work and tag some cool artists 😎

ill tag anyone who wants to do this. its all in ur hands

8 29

finally gonna join in !! im lyndsay and i art ✌️😎

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THIS ONE?! I no longer have the original image anymore hfhfhf it makes me so madd but it just means I can do it better this time around 😎 I also still love this collab 🥺

0 2

shoutout to my clownsonas

10 53

anyways im bored. what do u think my art would taste like

27 201

an oldish commission for i love these goons w my whole ass heart ❤️

7 31

my cousin called twilightsparkle toiletsparkle so now here she is. princess toiletsparkle herself

27 125