

🟣 They/Them - 23 🟣 RoA Kris Dev, OC & Fan Art Creator, Con Panelist 🟣 Mods #RivalsOfAether & Co-Host of sytycfanon

フォロー数:826 フォロワー数:2084

Smoothed out the animation for Up Tilt
next will be FAir

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Oh, and then there's the goat man

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"so who are you going to do after Kris?"

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Next update will also give Kris an outline when Red Buster is ready, which will change to a yellow outline once they hit 100% TP.

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Jevil color has been replaced with a Noelle themed alt!

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Up Air is finally in for Kris.
It was a tough decision but the discord convinced me that Cloud Up Air was the best option.

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Oh my gosh, thank you all for the huge support~!

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I can't unsee a tiny face

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Hello~! I'm Michael B., I am currently an aspiring animator who is studying animation right now. I am hoping to one day make my own series. I got big dreams and will continue to push towards my goal.

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