

フォロー数:278 フォロワー数:1654

Even Min’s robe’s design is like an opium smoke. BD so meticulous about how to make a character, from their facial expression to robe designs and the candle counts. No wonder this story is one of a kind.

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BD is really a genius author. We all know that SH's eyes is the most honest part of him and she didn't showed it from us when SH's eyes were at it's most honest state. It's like for Nakyum's eyes only.
(2nd pic NK asked him if he likes him, 4th pic SH unconsciously kissed him)

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As the Chapter goes on, SH has been transparent over his deed if taking care of Nakyum. Him sacrificing his comfort for Nakyum is getting more serious that I'm scared

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This panel is so funny bc at the first pic, you can't see SH around NK & yet he's the first one to act when NK slipped. He really did a great job observing his crush huh?

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Part 2 of Seungho asking Nakyum

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Nakyum for SH is an enigma. He can't figure out what NK will do next, what he's thinking or why he did certain things so he could help but to ask. SH is very intelligent that he can read people easily but those ppl do bad things & NK is full of love & love is a mystery for SH

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Seungho and his never ending asking "Why are you crying?" to Nakyum.

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From this part, I will start the thread of Seungho asking Nakyum/about Nakyum. It's very unlike him knowing the fact that he doesn't care about anything in his life yet he's very curious about what Nakyum thinks & what he feels

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Off topic but here's Nakyum asking for his kisaeng sister to write his pseudonym on his erotic books because his knowledge is limited. Look at his blushing cheeks 🥺

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It is a matter of fact that SH knew he's the only person who have touched NK & the thought that he got his virginity, it made him so possessive to the point that even the slightest touch of anyone can make him jealous & furious. For SH, NK is only his so don't touch him

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