

🌟mainly mhyk (👻+🪞) and oc stuff atm ||
(@Nesta_Saviria for ff14 posts) || eng/tr/日本語勉強中🌟

フォロー数:95 フォロワー数:194

White's West Concerto 4koma (Where the twins do some important decision making)

25 37

Did anyone ask for twin angst? No? Well here it is anyway :)

14 19

White's North Prelude 4koma (Where Arthur and the twins have theater practice)

52 81

White's Northern Wizard 4koma (Where Rutile and Bradley play a game of spot the difference)

47 63

White's Blue Wizard 4Koma (enjoy White being a tyrant prince)

30 34

White's Purple Wizard 4koma

32 42

I translated Snow's Blue wizard 4 koma

33 55

What happens when two sets of twins come together? This. This happens.

0 4

A soft Faust for anyone who needed it ✨

3 5

White's Wizards Party SSR (Ft. White and Snow)


13 23