

THIS IS A DEAD ACCOUNT that serves only as an archive.
@nasty_hellbread - new account.

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:539

"no point in you seeing this, labourer"

0 2

new medic oc whos also a zombie. yes ive got 0 braincells left

1 4

fuck color theory and fuck perspective and fuck art basically in general yea

0 3

i have no idea what the actual fuck is happening with this.. this

0 2

"these are my heds"
drew em with no reference to test out a new brush

3 8

something somethng friends' soldier oc named Devilish that i drew

0 2

hey, thats pretty maggot-ish

0 1

Dance, Fox-Girl, Dance!!

1 12

incredible! lil' bitey rolled 3 death endings using rtd in a row! ...again!

0 1