

23 year old dude that likes to talk about anime,manga and other otaku stuff. Fav series: Detective Conan,Higurashi,Fruits Basket, Kono Oto Tomare, Yotsuba&

フォロー数:834 フォロワー数:591

This is literally everyone in my country rn whenever they're near someone who coughs

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She's a strong baby 😭😭

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Aaa Aoi thank youu ;-;
I don't deserve you

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I had a sad flashback where before I had Twitter or Discord I would be really lonely on the detco fandom. I felt like I was the only one who loved it and I was screaming at a void. But I'm thankful that now I found other people who love it as much as I do.

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Man I've been tagged alot but I haven't responded.. I'll try to do everything asap but wait a bit

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAV PEOPLE HERE ON TWITTER!! Now adulting is difficult but also fun sometimes xD. Enjoy ur bday and hope we can be friends for more years to come ^_^
(here's a pic of our queen xD)

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Tagged by
Yes I'm doing this again why not.. Posting 4 other girls that I absolutely love.. Anyone can do this if they see it ^_^

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I've never related so much to Conan in my life before..

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Nominated by:
My 4 favorite male characters
Honestly it's really difficult picking just 4 -_-
Also also anyone can do this ^_^

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