

CN/大部分艺术是约稿 禁止搬运 谢谢啦

フォロー数:626 フォロワー数:5078

Tonight's live stream broadcast is awesome, my belly hurts from laughing

1 61

Can't wait to see the 2.0 debut

0 40

有模版 不打tag了
还在学习中——— 🥹

5 57

baobei, I hope you won't be affected by some people's comments, and don't feel that you have done something wrong, you are very good, there are many people who love you, just continue to be yourself, guildies will always be with you

0 221

awwwww Happy birthday baby, have a good rest, although I miss you QAQ

0 24

tonight 🥹💜💜

0 75

可以说是一毛一样了 🥺

2 16

Congrats!!!! Let’s Go!!!!

0 18